Bus station service

Bus station service

Station entrance and exit service

Station entrance and exit service

Bus station entrance and exit services play an important role in ensuring safe, efficient and convenient public passenger transport operations.

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Fixed-route bus station entrance and exit service

Fixed-route bus station entrance and exit service

Fixed-route bus station entrance and exit service is a service provided to inter-provincial buses operating on fixed routes

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Bus ticket sales services

Bus ticket sales services

Hanoi Bus Station has an online ticket sales system and ticket sales at the bus station. Passengers can buy bus tickets online or at bus station ticket counters.

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Cargo loading and unloading services at bus station

Cargo loading and unloading services at bus station

Hanoi Bus Station has a team of professional cargo loading and unloading staff, helping passengers transport goods safely and conveniently.

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Business space rental service

Business space rental service

Hanoi Bus Station rents out service counters; Ticket office; Representative office; Advertising space...

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 Advertising services

Advertising services

Advertising services is a business that provides solutions to promote brands, products or services to target customers.

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Parking services at bus station

Parking services at bus station

Vehicle parking service is a service that provides parking for vehicles such as motorbikes, cars, trucks, etc. This service can be used during the day or overnight.

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Pick-up and drop-off services at bus station

Pick-up and drop-off services at bus station

Hanoi Bus Station provides bus routes to all provinces and cities across the country. All passenger cars are inspected for technical safety, ensuring passenger safety.

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